
Vodcasts – How to Implement

Creating a vodcast is a three step process:

  1. Create the video. The type of content will determine the software and hardware you need to create the video. If the content is onscreen such as a PowerPoint presentation or showing how to use a software package, then screen capturing software is required, such as Camtasia Studio. Check with the George Mason Division of Instructional Technology to use this software. If your content is not on screen such as with scenery or people, you will need a video camera.
  2. Edit the video. Camtasia can be used with all content, whether onscreen or scenery or people. Video of scenery or people can also be edited with Windows Live Movie Maker (free) for PCs and iMovie for Mac users. iMovie comes packaged with some Apple software bundles, otherwise you may have to purchase it. When you are done editing your video, make sure you save the video in a file format compatible with where you plan to post it.
  3. Post the video. YouTube and George Mason’s iTunes U store can host your video, that is, make it available to your audience. YouTube is free but note that videos can be no longer than 10 minutes, must less than 1 Gigabyte in size, and must be a certain file format such as avi, mpg, or wmv.

Other Resources that Describe How to Implement a Vodcast

The Educational Technology Network website provides direction on how to create podcasts and vodcasts. The site defines basic terminology and recommends software to create the podcasts and vodcasts.

How to create a vodcast

The University of Northern Colorado uses vodcasts to describe how to ‘flip the classroom’ that is, provide lecture while students are at home (called pre-vodcasting) and then use classroom time for homework and experiments. As part of their website, they describe how to create and post a vodcast, how to hold students accountable to viewing the vodcasts, and why live vodcasts are also good to create.

How to create a vodcast