
Vodcasts – Disadvantages

References provided in Literature Section

  • Students might not attend classes anymore as they have downloaded the vodcasts (Lum, 2006)
  • Learners can encounter problems with using vodcasts and MP3 players if they have little or no experience using them (Lum, 2006)
  • The technology impeded the employee’s satisfaction with the training course and their learning (Lum, 2006)
  • Learners may become bored with watching /listening to vodcasts, as they are essentially recordings of information that have been digitized and distributed (Morales, 2006)
  • May need to address legal requirements to using vodcasts, for example, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) had to seek patient permission when they posted clinical videos and they had to protect the individual’s privacy e.g. blurring of faces (Morales, 2006)
  • Not everyone will have MP3 players or want to use vodcasts in their learning (Morales, 2006)
  • File size might be a problem for learners, large file sizes may need adequate bandwidth to download (Morales, 2006)
  • Time, money and other resources to create regular vodcasts are another issue that needs to be addressed by universities and organizations (Morales, 2006)