
Podcasts – Best Practices

References provided in Literature Section

  • Practice content delivery before recording – too many podcasts recorded for educational purposes lack focus (Olliges, 2009)
  • Podcasts of lectures should be comprehensive as students use them for 1) revision of notes or preparation for assessments, 2) to take notes at their own pace, 3) catching up on missed lectures, and 4) maintaining a complete record for their own interest (Copley, 2007)
  • Podcasts are best used when delivering supplementary materials or preparing students for further information to be discussed in a lecture; podcasts assist learning (Olliges, 2009; McGarr, 2009)
  • Break lecture podcasts into segments to meet listener preferences (Copley, 2007)
  • Podcasts should not be more than a maximum of 20 minutes in duration (Hew, 2009)
  • Ensure podcasts are relevant to the subject area (Hew, 2009)