
Podcasts – Real World examples

A set of podcasts and vodcasts are available to George Mason faculty, staff, and students that support a GMU course on how to make an instructional podcast. To view these examples, login to Mason iTunes, scroll down to the link ‘Education and Human Development,’ and then select EDIT 575: Introduction to Podcasting. A menu of podcasts and vodcasts are available to download. To access George Mason’s iTunes U, you will need the iTunes software.

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Four podcasts are available. Each is formatted to provide an introduction, content, and summary . The Princeton: Rhyme and Reason reviews a case history in the context of the training topic. The Princeton: Swine Fluent provides an example of how to use a recorded point-counterpoint discussion as a means to introduce and analyze content.

Scientific American offers free daily podcasts on a selection of topics. Each podcast is limited to ‘60 seconds’ of information. This type of podcast application could support an online course to keep the student engaged on a regular basis and later serve as reference materials.

Two podcasts were created to augment ACQ201A, Module 6, Lesson 1: Contract Dispute. The first podcast serves as an introduction to the module by reviewing terminology, summarizing the case history, and presenting rhetorical questions. The second podcast provides a summary of the lesson.

Lesson Introduction Lesson Summary