
Podcasts – Literature

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Brown, A., Brown, C., Fine, B., Luterbach, K., Sugar, W., & Vinciguerra, D. (2009). Instructional uses of podcasting in online learning environments: A cooperative inquiry study.Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 37(4), 351-357.

Copley, J. (2007). Audio and video podcasts of lectures for campus-based students: production and evaluation of student use. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 44(4), 387-399.

Hew, K. (2009). Use of audio podcast in K-12 and higher education: A review of research topics and methodologies. Educational Technology Research and Development, 57(3), 333-357.

Lee, M. J., & Chan, A. (2007). Pervasive, lifestyle-integrated mobile learning for distance learners: An analysis and unexpected results from a podcasting study. Open Learning, 22(3), 201-218.