
Vodcasts – Practice

Camtasia Studio can capture screen content and edit other video content. Camtasia has a 30-day free trial period or you can purchase it. George Mason’s Department of Instructional Technology also provides it free for use in their lab.

Access Camtasia

Camtasia Help Center

If not already on your PC, Movie Maker can be downloaded for free. In addition to the manufacturer’s help center, YouTube has several help videos.

Movie Maker Download (scroll down for How to Use)

Movie Maker Help Center

If iMovie is not already on your Mac computer, then you can purchase from Apple as part of the iLife Family Pack or from third party vendors for free.

Apple Store

Apple Help Center

George Mason University has space available on iTunes U to upload podcasts and vodcasts. They have a website outlining the steps to acquire iTunes U space for your courses. Note that GMU defines podcasting as including both audio and video files. To access George Mason’s iTunes U, you will need the iTunes software.

GMU process and access to GMU iTunes U

Download iTunes Software

YouTube can also host your videos.

Register for a YouTube account

Video: Learn how to upload a video to YouTube