
Vodcasts – Real World Examples

A set of podcasts and vodcasts are available to George Mason faculty, staff, and students that support a GMU course on how to make an instructional podcast. To view these examples, login to Mason iTunes, scroll down to the link ‘Education and Human Development,’ and then select EDIT 575: Introduction to Podcasting. A menu of podcasts and vodcasts are available to download. To access George Mason’s iTunes U, you will need the iTunes software.

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Khan Academy provides over 2600 videos on a variety of topics including math, science, and economics for free. The instructor uses an electronic tablet to write information while speaking the explanation.

Khan Academy

MIT offers open courseware online for free. Many are a recorded lecture. Notice how the videos have transcription.

MIT Open Courseware

Video screen captures are sometimes referred to as screencasts. This website provides many examples of how a screencast can be used.

Screencast Central

Australia Network provides television shows online as well as vodcasts on learning English. The videos are available online but are not downloadable. The vodcasts are augmented with downloadable files providing with video transcription, study notes, and activities.

Australia Network Educational Videos

YouTube is probably the most widely recognized source of vodcasts, that is, video files. You can search for any topic and most likely find a video clip on it.

YouTube Home Page