
Microblogs – Advantages

References provided in Literature Section

  • Facilitates informal communication (Aspden & Thorpe, 2009)
  • Students can participate anytime, anywhere from a variety of devices and Web 2.0 technologies (Aspden & Thorpe, 2009)
  • Can overcome transactional distances that exist in on-line courses (Martin, 2009)
  • Supports collaboration and offers immediate and direct feedback (Dunlap & Lowenthal, 2009)
  • Requires students to write concisely for an audience (Dunlap & Lowenthal, 2009)
  • Allows students to connect with a professional community of practice and to maintain on-going relationships; students can connect once the course is over (Dunlap & Lowenthal, 2009)
  • Distinguished professionals can be followed in a particular field (Siemens & Tittenberger, 2009)
  • Instructors can steer the intervention in the learning process of individuals and groups (Martin, 2009)
  • Can be used to enhance traditional lectures using mobile devices (Ebner, 2009)