
Augmented Reality – Best Practices

References provided in Literature Section

  • Choose hardware and software based on desired AR application (Haller, Billinghurst, & Thomas, 2007)
  • Take advantage of existing technological infrastructure, i.e., PDAs, tracking markers (Wagner & Schmalsteig, 2007)
  • Select appropriate amount of augmentation; just because information can be added doesn’t mean that extra information is helpful (Singer & Howey, 2009)
  • Acknowledge that the use of some geospatial augmentations may expose private or secure locations (Arrison, 2010)
  • Use AR to support procedural tasks such as assembly, maintenance and surgery (Regenbrecht, 2007; Tang, Owen, Biocca, & Mou, 2003; Zhang, Eagleson, & Peters, 2009)
  • Use AR for problem-based learning and simulations (Stout, Bowers & Nicholson, 2009)