
Augmented Reality – Advantages

References provided in Literature Section

  • Can simulate dangerous situations and provide a safe practice environment (Stout, Bowers, & Nicholson, 2009)
  • Can increase interest, effort, and on-task behavior, particularly when AR is used with the neomillenial generation (Brill & Park, 2008; O’Shea, Mitchell, Johnston, & Dede, 2007)
  • Delivers up-to-date reference information in real time (Regenbrecht, 2007)
  • Augments students’ experiences and interactions (Dede, 2007)
  • Preserves task content (Henderson & Feiner, 2009)
  • Can encourage collaboration and information sharing (Kiyokawa, 2007; Villano, 2008)
  • Can extend the classroom into the real world environment (EDUCAUSE, 2005)